Site Remediation

Our main approach is focused on the reintegration of abandoned land into real estate market. Brownfields are charged with unusable structures, foundations, contaminated soil and groundwater (idle capital). We clean up and remove risks for utilization, provide new areas for economic reurbanization and infrastructure as a contribution to sustainable development.

Our clients are real estate owners, investors and project developers, who want to revitalize former industrial, trade and military brownfields.

  • Together with our partner GKU GmbH Planungs- und Sanierungsgesellschaft we offer a complete service package for the accomplishment of remediation projects including  the initiation, realization and maintenance.
  • We moderate between the obligated party and the environmental authority to process the transaction of properties with problematic issues (fair market value). Optional our scope of work includes risk and benefice sharing as general contractor or stakeholder partner including covering full decontamination risk.
  • In cooperation with Philipp Halter GmbH & Co. Sprengunternehmen KG we carry out site preparation (ecological deconstruction, subsurface demolition, munitions clearance, separation and disposal).
  • The treatment of hazardous substances in soil and groundwater takes place under scientific attendance. In laboratory and pilot tests we develop site-specific solutions. The remediation procedure is monitored by online measurement and rapid on site analysis.

Beside other projects we proved our technological and economic potential at a heavily contaminated site in Zernsdorf (former sleeper factory).

Ehemaliges Schwellenwerk Zernsdorf -<br />
Rückbau und Sanierung<br />
			der<br />
			Teerölaltlast 2008-2009
Zernsdorf nach der Sanierung
Former sleeper factory Zernsdorf before remediation
Deconstruction and deconatamination
of tar oil pollution
 Zernsdorf after remediation